ClarifyB2B Workshop

ClarifyB2B is a Growth Hacking guided workshop which you can conduct with your product team, using the online material provided plus online live mentoring sessions with Shoham Eckhaus.

The workshop consists of 6 steps which you need to follow consecutively, but you can choose how much time to spend on each step. The whole process can take between 6 hours to 6 months, all depends on your goals and readiness.
Here are the 6 steps included in the guided workshop:

In each step of the workshop, CLEAR's B2B Growth Hacking System will provide you with a detailed recorded tutorial on the topic, examples, and clear and simple instructions to follow in order to complete the step. Your inputs will be entered by answering simple questions into the provided forms (online or offline).
At the end of each step, you will conduct a live 1on1 mentoring session with Shoham Eckhaus, founder of CLEAR PMM. Each mentoring session will be delivered through video conferencing and it's duration will be between 1 and 2 hours.

Privacy of your information
In order to protect the privacy of your company's information, you can choose to fill all the information into an offline form that will be provided to you, saved on your computer only, where none of the inputs will be accessible to anyone but you.

When you complete the 6 steps, you will have a marketing workplan ready to execute. You will be able to print it as a professional and comprehensive marketing plan document, with 1 click of a mouse.

This offering includes the online guided system plus a minimum of 6 sessions with 1on1 mentoring from Shoham Eckhaus.
The price of this offering is $1150. 

Special Early Adopters' Offer
ClearPMM has been delivering this workshop to startup companies with great success, through the personal facilitation of Shoham Eckhaus.
The automated version of the workshop is a new product still in validation phase, so you can take advantage of this: if you are one of the first customers to purchase this system, you will get extensive facilitation and mentoring from Shoham, for the price of the automated system. 
So, if you're interested, please register below: